db-RDA & PCoA Bi-Plots in R

Redundancy analysis (RDA) calculates to show the amount of variation within a dataset attributed to a set of explanatory variables. Distance-based RDA (db-RDA) does the same thing, but with variation from a non-euclidean distance-based method (such as Bray-Curtis, Jaccard). It is important to note that RDA and db-RDA assumes a linear relationship between variation and an explanatory variable.

Here in this tutorial, I will show you two methods of performing db-RDA and generating PCoA Bi-plots in R using ggplots2.

Required libraries

First, we need to load the following packages. Install them if you do not have them.


Generating bi-plots with the capscale function

This first function generates a bi-plot using vegan's capscale function.

gg.capscale = function (table, by=NULL, dist="bray") {
  # Set explanatory variables as those in table if 'by' is not specificed
  if (is.null(by)) {

  # Run db-RDA with capscale()
  # We generate a formula dynamically from the colnames of 'by'
  mod=capscale(as.formula(paste("table~", paste(colnames(by),collapse = "+"))), data=by, dist="bray")
  summary = summary(mod)

  # Run an ANOVA on the explanatory variables to identify the significant ones
  anv = anova(mod, by="terms")

  # Select which variables were significant
  sig_var = which(sapply(X = rownames(summary$species), function (X) {
    if (anv$`Pr(>F)`[which(rownames(anv) == X)] < 0.05) {

  # Extract points
  points=data.frame(X=summary$sites[,1], Y=summary$sites[,2])

  # Extract arrows that belong to significant explanatory variables
  arrows = data.frame(Name = rownames(summary$species), X=summary$species[,1], Y=summary$species[,2])[sig_var,]

  # Rescale arrows so that they fit within bounds of the data
  arrows$Z = sqrt(arrows$X^2 + arrows$Y^2)
  arrows$X = max(abs(points$X)) * arrows$X / arrows$Z * 0.75
  arrows$Y = max(abs(points$X)) * arrows$Y / arrows$Z * 0.75

  # First plot the points
  pl = ggplot(points, aes(x=X, y=Y)) + 
    geom_point(size=4) +
    geom_hline(yintercept=0, linetype="dotted") +
    geom_vline(xintercept=0, linetype="dotted")

  # Then plot the arrows
  pl = pl + 
    geom_segment(data=arrows, aes(x=0, xend=X, y=0, yend=Y),color="red", arrow=arrow(length=unit(0.01,"npc"))) + 
    geom_text(data=arrows, aes(x=X, y=Y,label=Name, hjust=0.5*(1-sign(X)),vjust=0.5*(1-sign(Y))), color="red", size=4)

  # Return the plot

Let's test this out with the iris data.

gg.capscale(iris[,1:4], by = iris[,1:5])


Generating bi-plots with the envfit function

The envfit function within vegan performs a similar function as capscale (however the exact difference I cannot confidently say). The main difference is that envfit will identify explanatory variables that are significantly correlated with variation within an ordination and attach correlation coefficient values to them.

gg.envfit = function (table, by=NULL, dist="bray", min_r=0.3) {
  # Generate PCoA
  pcoa = cmdscale(vegdist(table, dist=dist), eig = T, k=2)
  points = data.frame(X=pcoa$points[,1], Y = pcoa$points[,2])

  # Set explanatory variables as those within table if there are none
  fit = if(is.null(by)) table else by

  # Run envfit
  efit = envfit(pcoa, fit)

  # We not only filter out non-significant factors but also those with low correlation
  sig_vars = intersect(which(efit$vectors$pvals <= 0.05), which(abs(efit$vectors$r) > min_r))

  # Extract arrows, removing
  arrows = data.frame(Label = paste(rownames(efit$vectors$arrows), "r=", round(abs(efit$vectors$r),2), sep=" "), 
                           X = efit$vectors$arrows[,1], 
                           Y = efit$vectors$arrows[,2], 
                           r = abs(efit$vectors$r))[sig_vars]
  arrows$Z = sqrt(arrows$X^2 + arrows$Y^2)
  arrows$X = max(abs(points$X)) * arrows$X / arrows$Z * 0.5
  arrows$Y = max(abs(points$X)) * arrows$Y / arrows$Z * 0.5

  # Plot points
  pl = ggplot(points, aes(X, Y)) + geom_point(size=4) +
    geom_hline(yintercept=0, linetype="dotted") + 
    geom_vline(xintercept=0, linetype="dotted")

  # Plot arrows
  pl = pl + 
    geom_segment(data=arrows, mapping=aes(x=0, y=0, xend=X, yend=Y), color = "red", arrow=arrow(length=unit(0.01,"npc"))) + 
    geom_text(data=arrows, aes(x=X, y=Y,label=Label, hjust=0.5*(1-sign(X)),vjust=0.5*(1-sign(Y))), color="red", size=4)

